« Forewarned is forearmed »


Hazard maps are essential tools for land use planning. The allow localising risk zones, quantifying potential damage and designing mitigation measures to protect persons and goods.

Based on one- or two-dimensional flood simulation, with or without sediment transport, we assess hazard zones. We accompany communities during the approval process of their hazard map. We design mitigation measures (structural, like levees, retention basins, and non structural like flood corridors) and plan warning and intervention.

HydroCosmos also assesses risk of particular constructions, like flood waves propagation due to dam break or failure of a force pipe.


1D computation, 2D computation, sediment transport computation, Hazard assessment, approval of hazard map, warning and intervention.


Dunamic 1D, Dunamic 2D, DuPiro, RS MINERVE